Mudra Monday: Shakti Mudra
In Sanskrit, Shakti means 'power' or 'empowerment'
Shakti Mudra is thought to be capable of curing insomnia by calming and relaxing those who practice it. In addition, it is thought that this hand gesture relaxes the pelvic area, offering relief to those dealing with intestinal or menstrual discomfort.
Shakti Mudra influences the Svadisthana chakra (located above the pubic bone and below the navel; it encompasses the genital region and the hypogastric plexus), which is the seat of our creative energy. Shakti is often considered a sensual or ‘feminine’ Mudra due to its effect on the pelvic area and, because of its relation to the Hindu goddess Shakti, who is the personification of the divine feminine creative power, sometimes also referred to as ‘The Great Divine Mother’ in Hinduism.
During asana practice this Mudra can be combined with pelvic-opening postures like malasana (garland pose) or utkata konasana (goddess pose) to deepen its effects. As Shakti Mudra brings a sense of calm to the nervous system, it can be practiced anywhere at any time when seeking relief. However, it is recommended to practice this gesture in a quiet setting, while focusing on the breath, if possible, for no more than 10-15 minutes three times a day as over-use of this Mudra is thought to cause lethargy. In order to perform this Mudra, the ring and little fingers of both hands are pressed together, while the other fingers curl into a fist-like position, with the thumbs tucked against the palms.
Elements: Water.
If you'd like to know more about Hasta Mudras you can read my introduction to the topic here and find all previous Mudra Monday blogs here.
Illustration © estudio mosa 2018