Workplace Yoga

I offer on-site corporate yoga across London to progressive businesses who understand that looking after the well-being of their team of employees is essential to maintaining the highest level of performance.

The size of corporate yoga classes can vary depending on your needs and the space available at your location. The classes are designed to cover all levels of yoga.

My ‘Out of Office Yoga’ classes are specifically geared to alleviate the postural issues caused by working in desk-based environments and offer a wide range of physical and mental benefits. Practicing yoga before work can be a fantastic way to wake up the brain, a lunch time class can be a wonderful way to combat the afternoon slump, and an evening class offers opportunities to unwind and release constricted muscles after sitting at a desk all day.

Benefits of Yoga at the Workplace:

  • Lower healthcare costs and a decrease in frequency and duration of absenteeism

  • Increased efficiency, productivity and creativity

  • Improved focus and ability to manage stress

  • Improved mindset, morale and loyalty

  • Enhances employees’ strength, posture and health leading to a decrease in chronic pain

  • Decreases employees’ fatigue and back pain

  • Decreases employees’ disease risk factors

  • Strengthens team morale, motivation and improves communication

Oceana demonstrates a standing forward fold on a rooftop with the ocean and sky as a backdrop.


I am available for weekly classes booked in blocks of ten or, for one-off corporate yoga, somatic movement, breath work and/or mindfulness workshops suitable for both in-person and online events. Please get in touch to find out more.

To get a personalised quote and/or schedule a taster class at your workplace please get in touch with me directly via