May 2024 | Anchor
In this newsletter, originally published in May 2024, I discuss the overlap between how Patanjali describes yoga’s third of eight limbs, asana, within the Yoga Sutras and how this relates to the more modern study of somatic movement. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel, as well as a reading recommendation related to this topic.
April 2024 | Yield
In this newsletter, originally published in April 2024, I look at the niyamas (the inner observances) as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel, as well as a reading recommendation related to this topic.
March 2024 | Salve
In this newsletter, originally published in March 2024, I take a closer look at the yamas, which are often thought of as the moral code prescribed to dedicated yogis by Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel, as well as a reading recommendation related to this topic.
February 2024 | Imprint
In this newsletter, originally published in February 2024, I discuss how we as individuals can create a positive impact within the wider world by focusing our attention on small, daily actions within our immediate environment. This sits within the context of the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali and their eventual goal of reaching samadhi (enlightenment). I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel, as well as a reading recommendation related to this topic.
September 2023 | Flux
In this newsletter, originally published in September 2023, I talk about how ‘moving from our skeleton’ rather than relying solely on our muscle tissue might allow our movement practice to flourish. I discuss this within the context of both Qi Gong and Somatic movement. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist and YouTube video that elaborates on these ideas.
July 2023 | Impulse
In this newsletter, originally published in July 2023, I discuss the idea of prana (the body’s life force according to the ancient yogis) by considering the etymology of the word and by looking at it within the wider context of ‘the three treasures’ of traditional chinese medicine. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist and a free yoga class from my YouTube channel.
June 2023 | Flow
In this newsletter, originally published in June 2023, I tell you the story of how the manifest universe came to be according to Tantric lore. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
May 2023 | Refine
In this newsletter, originally published in May 2023, I tell you the story of how my perspective on the subtle body was completely turned around by the right teacher, and also provide a short introduction to these central ideas within the yogic tradition. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
March 2023 | Palpate
This newsletter, originally published in March 2023, gives a brief introduction to somatic movement and in particular, the Feldenkrais Method which I’ve been focusing my personal practice on in recent years. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
February 2023 | Unfurl
This newsletter, originally published in February 2023, I talk about injuries - how we navigate the frustrations and challenges they bring up, as well as what they teach us in the long term. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
January 2023 | Trust
This newsletter, originally published in January 2023, gives an ayurvedic perspective on New Years resolutions through the central ideas of prakriti and vikriti. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class from my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
December 2022 | Reflect
This newsletter, originally published in December 2022, embraces the winter season and the yogic concept of apana (downward energy). It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
November 2022 | Mellow
This newsletter, originally published in November 2022, dives deeper into the fourth of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness taught by the Buddha. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
October 2022 | Contract
This newsletter, originally published in October 2022, dives deeper into the third of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness taught by the Buddha. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
January 2021 | Eclipse
This newsletter, originally published in January 2021, dives deeper into the second of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness taught by the Buddha. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
November 2020 | Soften
This newsletter, originally published in November 2020, breaks down the Four Foundations of Mindfulness as they were taught by the Buddha. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
October 2020 | Transform
This newsletter, originally published in October 2020, looks at how Ayurveda (yoga's sister science) can help us fully embrace the transformative power of the Autumn season through small and practical daily actions. It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.
Mudra Monday: Bhramara Mudra & Pranayama
To further strengthen your practice, you can combine this mudra with Brahmari pranayama, which is named after the Indian black humming bee…
Mudra Monday: Jalodar Nashak Mudra
A yogic hand gesture thought to have a healing effect on its practitioner by promoting the balance of water within the body…
Mudra Monday: Brahma Mudra
Brahma mudra helps to promote a complete breath during pranayama breathing practices …