July 2023 | Impulse
In this newsletter, originally published in July 2023, I discuss the idea of prana (the body’s life force according to the ancient yogis) by considering the etymology of the word and by looking at it within the wider context of ‘the three treasures’ of traditional chinese medicine. I’ve also included a free Spotify playlist and a free yoga class from my YouTube channel.

December 2022 | Reflect
This newsletter, originally published in December 2022, embraces the winter season and the yogic concept of apana (downward energy). It also includes a free Spotify playlist, a free yoga class on my YouTube channel and a reading recommendation.

Mudra Monday: Apana Mudra
One of the classic yoga texts, the Gheranda Samhita, refers to Apana Mudra as the mudra of digestion, but this isn't simply…