Mudra Monday: Rudra Mudra
This Mudra is thought to activate the solar plexus (Manipura) chakra, which is associated with personal transforming power…
Mudra Monday: Ganesha Mudra
Ganesha Mudra is said to bring about self-confidence and the courage to overcome anything that is holding us back by awakening the energy within…
Mudra Monday: Buddhi Mudra
In English, this Mudra is known as the seal of mental clarity…
Mudra Monday: Shunya Mudra
In ancient texts, Shunya Mudra was cited as providing access to the realm of heaven by harnessing our inner fire…
Mudra Monday: Prithvi Mudra
A Sanskrit term, prithvi means ‘the vast one’ and is also a Sanskrit word for Earth…
Mudra Monday: Vayu Mudra
As the literal translation suggests, this Mudra is best practiced when we are trying to balance or control the flow of air through our body…
Mudra Monday: Padma Mudra
This Mudra can leave us feeling grounded and strong like a lotus flower, while opening our heart to the joys of life…
Mudra Monday: Shankh Mudra
The conch is sounded in Hindu temples early in the morning as an to announce the opening of the temple doors…
Mudra Monday: Surya Mudra
This Mudra’s core function is to decrease inertia and increase vitality…
Mudra Monday: Dhyana Mudra
The triangular shape of this Mudra represents the three jewels of Buddhism: Buddha, Sangha (community) and Dharma (teachings)…
Mudra Monday: Apana Mudra
One of the classic yoga texts, the Gheranda Samhita, refers to Apana Mudra as the mudra of digestion, but this isn't simply…
Mudra Monday: Garuda Mudra
To perform the Mudra, turn the palms of your hands to face up, cross your right hand over your left, while simultaneously clasping your thumbs…
Mudra Monday: Tattva Mudra
In the Hindu tradition it is most commonly used in the context of rites and rituals to signify truth…
Mudra Monday: Kali Mudra
Kali is a fierce goddess who represents death, destruction and transformation, ultimately leading to purification…
Mudra Monday: Prana Mudra
Developing a way to build and contain Prana within the body is an important part of yoga practice…
Mudra Monday: Gyan Mudra
Most commonly used during meditation practice, Gyan Mudra is said to connect us to our higher Self…
Mudra Monday: An Introduction
Certain yoga mudras are believed to instigate particular energy flows and stimulate different emotions, spiritual reactions and affect the body…