Mudra Monday: Shiva Linga Mudra
Although Shiva is known as the 'destroyer,' his destruction is simply creating the preconditions for something new to grow…
Mudra Monday: Bhumisparsha Mudra
As the legend goes, one day, while sitting in meditation under the Bodhi tree…
Mudra Monday: Rudra Mudra
This Mudra is thought to activate the solar plexus (Manipura) chakra, which is associated with personal transforming power…
Mudra Monday: Ganesha Mudra
Ganesha Mudra is said to bring about self-confidence and the courage to overcome anything that is holding us back by awakening the energy within…
Mudra Monday: Padma Mudra
This Mudra can leave us feeling grounded and strong like a lotus flower, while opening our heart to the joys of life…
Mudra Monday: Shankh Mudra
The conch is sounded in Hindu temples early in the morning as an to announce the opening of the temple doors…
Mudra Monday: Garuda Mudra
To perform the Mudra, turn the palms of your hands to face up, cross your right hand over your left, while simultaneously clasping your thumbs…
Mudra Monday: Kali Mudra
Kali is a fierce goddess who represents death, destruction and transformation, ultimately leading to purification…